There were 10,000 pre-orders in week one and 100M impressions delivered, driven by the digital marketing program, achieving the pre-order goal set by Verizon.

Pre-order target reached
in Campaign Reach


Verizon saw an opportunity to enter the app/automobile market with an app that provides diagnostics on your car as well as other helpful information. Verizon needed to raise awareness about the app as well as drive pre-orders to support the initial release of the product.


Verizon provided extensive audience information and target markets to lay the foundation. Keyword and audience research was done to properly target their prospective new app customers as well as build awareness for the new app.


We built a Google Ads strategy for Verizon that leveraged Verizon’s strong brand that spoke to customers that would be interested in this app. We further built out to target those not yet brand loyalists as well as those in the market for the app who were unaware that Verizon was offering this app.

The Process

SEM to shake up the industry

Global SEO

Rank for terms relevant to your business to people around the world

Local SEO

Show your business in Google Maps, in “near me” searches”, and general searches on Google

Ecommerce SEO

Get your products on Google’s first page